Where and when should alcohol be sold in Selwyn?
Selwyn District Council media release: 3rd December 2024
We are reviewing our policy around the sale and supply of alcohol in Waikirikiri Selwyn.
Councils are required to do this regularly to ensure the policies are right for our district.
Our current policy was adopted in April 2017 and is due for a review. In August we asked for your feedback around opening times for places that sell alcohol, training requirements and whether you would like to see any limits around where places that sell alcohol can be located, or on the number of places that sell alcohol in a town or township area. Based on your feedback we have put together a draft policy.
We want to hear from you on proposed changes to restrict bottle stores from opening near educational, health, spiritual, marae and recreational facilities, training for bar staff and manager rules for club licences.
Find out how you can have your say on the Selwyn Local Alcohol Policy, until 5pm Wednesday 11th December 2024.