Waka Toa Ora Signatory List

There are 202 signatory records.

OrganisationContact PeopleDescription
P O Box 4966
Phone: 03 962 9212
Fax: 03 962 9041

Wendi Stewart
03 962 9212

Accident Compensation Corporation. New Zealand's accident compensation scheme provides 24 hour no fault personal injury insurance cover.
Active Canterbury Network
C/- Community and Public Health PO Box 1475
Lesley Willoughby
03 3641777

Active Canterbury is the over-arching name for a number of local initiatives that aim to support Cantabrians to be more active, more often. Providing physical activity information, supporting and training local activity providers, and delivering projects that focus on achieving physical activity equity, are key service goals. Funding for this work is provided by Pegasus Health (Charitable) Ltd and the Canterbury District Health Board. The Active Canterbury Network is a coalition of local agencies, trusts and organisations that meet bi-monthly to help guide the work.
Age Concern Canterbury
24 Main North Road
Phone: 366 0903
Fax: 03 3650639
Greta Bond
366 0903

CURRENT STATUS: Centre closed but operating at another site. Our office has relocated to Lincoln until we can move back into our Cashel Street premises which are yellow stickered. Age Concern Canterbury promotes the welfare of people in Canterbury 60 years of age and over. To achieve this we help older people remain independent in their own homes. We provide services to reduce loneliness and social isolation, increase social contact and help older people remain independent. We offer a community health service, elder abuse and neglect prevention service, visiting service and offer minibus outings. We also provide home support services, including gardeners, trades people and home help. We advocate for older people and provide information via our Information Centre and quarterly newspaper.
Alcohol Healthwatch
P O Box 99 407
Phone: 09 520 7035

Dr Nicki Jackson
09 520 7035

Alcohol Healthwatch is an organisation of professionals dedicated to reducing and preventing alcohol-related harm in Aotearoa New Zealand. Alcohol Healthwatch is contracted by the Ministry of Health to provide credible and up-to-date evidence-based information on matters relating to alcohol policy and planning. Our priority is to mobilise communities to take action on a range of alcohol-related harms, including fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Allergy New Zealand

Phone: 0275383636


Allergy New Zealand’s vision is to improve the quality of life for people with allergies and their families through support, education and information; and to act as an advocate in all aspects of allergy.
ARA Institute of Technology
PO Box 540
Christchurch Mail Centre
Phone: 03 9408021
Fax: 03 940 8622

03 9408021

Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd is a vibrant, progressive, government-funded institute providing world-class, tertiary-level education. Our objective is to empower students to build better worlds. We want every Ara student to be equipped for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and we achieve this by providing relevant courses, taught by inspirational mentors in real-life learning environments. Our learning models and course content continually evolve to respond to industry and regional needs. To ensure our students have real-world experience and graduate work-ready, we offer an ever-expanding array of workplace training opportunities, internships, apprenticeships and partnerships with industry. And to meet the demand for flexible study options, we offer an increasing range of online, blended delivery and part-time programmes. These measures, combined with a low student-to-tutor ratio and comprehensive support services, ensure our students thrive in an inclusive, nurturing, flexible and technology-enhanced study environment where meaningful learning experiences are the norm.
Arthritis New Zealand
P O Box 10-382
Phone: 03 366 8383
Fax: 03 377 8239

03 366 8383

Status: Fully Operational. A community based organisation providing information support and a public education programme to those affected by arthritis in the Canterbury region.
Aspire Canterbury
P O Box 32 074
Phone: 03 3666 189

Julie Paalvast
03 3666 189

Aspire Canterbury has been an integral part of the Canterbury disabled community for over 40 years. A not-for-profit we offer free support, advice and resources throughout Canterbury. We are a Disability Information Centre. We have a mobile service that can bring our products and information to you. We also offer the Total Mobility card which gives eligible people half-price taxi fares. We have a shop in Bishopdale Mall in Christchurch that stocks products to help you live independently which you can order from our website or we can bring them out to you. We also hire a variety of goods including wheelchairs, ramps and shower stools.
PO Box 24 161
Phone: 0800 28482 669

Enquiries at Aviva
0800 28482 669

At Aviva (formerly Christchurch Women’s Refuge), we help individuals and families to become - and stay - free of violence. We work with children, women and men, giving each person the support they need, when they need it. All our services are free and include: 24 hour 0800 AVIVA NOW Support and Information line; group and individual education programmes for children and women; access to safe short term accommodation for children and women; ReachOut early intervention service for men; Shine safe@home home security improvement service; Peer Support service and No Interest Loan Scheme. We also host the Sexual Assault Support Service Canterbury service.
Avon Loop Planning Association
374 Barbadoes Street
Phone: 03 365 6943

Ruth Gardner
03 365 6943

We are a community association based in the Avon Loop who work to preserve and enhance the physical environment and special characteristics of the Avon Loop by assisting in the redevelopment and/or restoration of the area. We administer a community cottage which is available to other community groups for meetings, workshops, etc, at a low cost, and which is the home of an active playgroup. Please contact us if you are looking for a facility to hire.
Avon-Otakaro Network (AvON)

Evan Smith
03 323 6617

Beneficiary Advisory Service
301 Tuam Street
Phone: 03 379 8787

Adrienne Keir

We are a free service providing information, advocacy and support to people on benefits and low incomes.
Birthright (Christchurch) Inc
1A Harewood Road
Phone: 03 366 9456
Fax: 03 366 8535

Rhodora Sagles
03 366 9456

CURRENT STATUS: Staff working in local areas from home See Action record for more details. Birthright supports one parent families in the greater Christchurch area. We offer home based support through the fieldworker, family, visitor or through a buddy system. We empower single parents to plan their own future. We offer information, advocacy and assistance with resourcing.
Bishopdale Community Trust
100 Farrington Avenue
Phone: 03 359 1741

Dawn Hastings
03 359 1741

VISION We are a pro-active, community-focussed organisation which advocates for and encourages connectedness and resilience in the wider Bishopdale community PURPOSE The purpose of the Trust is to support residents and families in the northwest of Christchurch, especially in the Bishopdale area, including: 1.Helping residents and families develop skills for family and community life; and.2.Helping people with needs to be part of the community. ACTION The Bishopdale Community Trust was formally incorporated late in 1999 and has been achieving its vision and purpose since then by employing a Community Development Worker since May 2000, as well as facilitating and supporting action by a number of volunteers in the community.
Brain Injury Association (Canterbury / West Coast)

Phone: 03 365 3262
Fax: 03 365 3269

Dianne Kerrison
03 365 3262

Sue Wilson
03 365 3262

We provide support, advocacy, education and information to brain injured people, their families/whanau and caregivers. We facilitate access to a similar network, counselling and referral services within the Canterbury/West Coast region.
196 Hills Road
Phone: 03 386 0279
Fax: 03 386 0657

Teresa Chalecki
(03) 386 0279

The Canterbury Asthma Society Inc has changed its trading name from Asthma Canterbury to CanBreathe.
Cancer Society (Canterbury/West Coast)
PO Box 13450
Phone: 033532184
Fax: 03 377 2804

Martin Witt

Status: Damaged and in cordon. Working from other premises. See Action Record for more info. Working with others to promote smokefree lifestyles, sunsmart behaviour, healthier nutrition and increased exercise i.e. CSNZ wishes to develop its shade loan service to groups over the summer period to promote sunsmart behaviour.
Canterbury Breastfeeding Advocacy Service (CBAS)
7 Winston Avenue
Phone: 029 7731589


029 7731589

The Canterbury Breast feeding Advocacy Service is managed by Te Puawaitanga Ki Otautahi Trust and works in the hospital and in the community with a range of groups including, consumer, health, social and education serivces. The service also works with early childhood education services and local Canterbury business to increase support for breastfeeding women returning to the paid workforce. Broadly the aim of this Ministry of Health funded service is to support breastfeeding women in Canterbury, and thereby protect breastfeeding, and to contribute to a healthy Christchurch by reducing reported inequalities in breastfeeding rates.
Canterbury Development Corporation Ltd (CDC) and CDC - Economic Development
PO Box 2962
Phone: 03 379 5575
Fax: 03 379 5554

03 379 5575

Canterbury Development Corporation (CDC) is the economic development and employment services arm of the Christchurch City Council. It is a non-profit, non sector aligned, commercially neutral organisation. CDC’s mission is to:‘take a lead role in transforming the Canterbury economy in order for it to consistently deliver significantly higher levels of economic growth than the New Zealand average.
Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB)
PO Box 1600
Phone: 03 364 0460
Susan Gee
03 364 0460

Hector Matthews
03 364 0460

Vision - To promote, enhance and facilitate the health and well-being of the people of the Canterbury district
Canterbury Hospitals Medical Staff Association
PO Box 151
Phone: 304 0382
Fax: 364 1432

304 0382

The senior medical staff association represents around 450 specialists in Canterbury. Founded in 1902 the objects of the association was to take forward professional, social, medical political issues that involve staff and their patents. The association las activity supported the Alcohol Advocay group and the last two years.
Canterbury Infant and Young Child Feeding Network
c/o PO Box 1475
Phone: 03 379 9480
Fax: 03 379 6125


03 379 9480

The Canterbury Infant and Young Child Feeding Network is a multidisciplinary group with a focus on protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding in Waitaha Canterbury, and where appropriate in New Zealand. Our network consists of health professionals and people working within the community, such as consumer representatives, health and well child providers, midwives and lactation consultants and public health practitioners.
Canterbury Mens Centre
357 Gloucester Street
Phone: 021 0250 2631

Donald Pettitt
021 0250 2631

The Canterbury Men's Centre continues its purpose as a major support service for men in Canterbury. The Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust Christchurch closed and became a project of the CMC in June 2018. The CMC provides the following services for men. 1. brief social work interventions/ assessments 2. affordable (and free) counselling 3. peer support for men that have experienced sexual trauma We also continue to operate other projects relevant to men's wellbeing, see the website canmen.org.nz for more information.
Canterbury Neighbourhood Support Inc
PO Box 2109
Phone: 03 420 9944

Dave Wilkinson
03 420 9944

We have a network involving in excess of 20,000 households. We produce a magazine thrice yearly which is distributed to the contact persons (approx 1700) for reading and passing on. Our publication could be useful for distributing information.
Canterbury Plunket
PO Box 13-403
Phone: 03 348 9447
Fax: 03 343 4335


03 348 9447

Plunket staff and volunteers work to support parents and children from two weeks to five years. Plunket will homevisit and work from clinics. Volunteers provide support groups in the community
Canterbury Rugby League
PO Box 76180
Phone: 03 338 4531
Fax: 03 339 0412


03 338 4531

To support and promote rugby league in Canterbury
Canterbury Workers Educational Association (WEA)
PO Box 1796
Phone: 03 366 0285
Fax: 03 366 4530

Ivan Hibberd
03 366 0285

Margaret Taylor
03 366 0285

Canterbury WEA provides affordable courses that encourage discussion and respond to ideas and events in the community
Career Services Rapuara

Lisa Hulley
(03) 353 2747

Careers advice, information, and guidance
Catholic Social Services
PO Box 4237
Phone: 03 379 0012
Fax: 03 366 9644

Jon Brian

CURRENT STATUS: Limited services available working from normal premises. See Action record more details Professional genuinely no cost services for the community. Counselling, Social Work Support, Advocacy/Budgeting, Practical needs Assistance, Group courses for children/adults, agency and community/school based
CCS Canterbury and West Coast Branch
PO Box 1506
Phone: 365 5661

Matthew Whiting
365 5661

Our Mission To achieve 'A better future for people with disabilities' through supporting individuals and their families to live ordinary lives within the community, and to affect change in communities so disabled people have access to the same opportunities as other New Zealanders.
CDHB Community Dental Service
Po Box 731
Phone: 03 335 4230
Olivia Tusa
03 335 4230

CDHB School and Community Dental Service
PO Box 731
Phone: 03 364 1984

Martin Lee
03 364 1984

·Part of the Canterbury DHB ·Providers of School Dental Services in Canterbury (free dental care for children from birth to school year 8) ·Funders of urgent dental care for adults with a Community Service Card.
Christchurch Budget Service Inc.
PO Box 10089
Phone: 03 366 3422

Jane Green
03 366 3422

Provide free budgeting services, education in money matters, and advice on clearing debt
Christchurch Central Electorate Office
PO Box 21359
Phone: 03 365 8297

03 365 8297

Dale Aotea Stephens is the National candidate for the Christchurch Central Electorate in the 2023 election.
Christchurch City Council (CCC)
PO Box 73012
Phone: 941 8999
Fax: 03 941 8786
Marie Kirkup
941 8999

Emma Pachnatz

Gary Watson
027 239 6317

Mission Statement of the Christchurch City Council : Providing leadership to achieve the vision for Christchurch through effective local governance and the delivery of high quality services.
Christchurch City Mission
P O Box 1032
Phone: 03 3650635
Fax: 03 366 7100

Community Connectors
03 3650635

Christchurch City Mission dates from 1928, when it was established as a formal social service agency. We serve the poor and the lonely living in the greater Christchurch urban area through a range of services to men, women, families and the community eg: food banks, budgeting advice, detox.
Christchurch Community Gardens Association (CCGA)
c/o 188 Strickland Street
Phone: 942 6630

Christine Blance
03 379 9087

The Christchurch Community Gardens Association will strengthen and nurture existing community gardens, and support new initiatives, in order to build strong communitiesand encourage these by respecting and fostering human and environmental diversity
Christchurch Community House
301 Tuam Street
Christchurch Central
Phone: 03 365 3139
Fax: 03 365 8535

Mike Asmussen
03 365 3139

CCH Trust is a membership based organisation. We have 33 tenants working from the building, we also have a membership of 109 other groups. We provide office spaces, meeting rooms, photocopier and other resources for community groups to use at affordable rates.
Christchurch Multicultural Council (formerly Ethnic Council)
PO Box 8453
Phone: 03 321 8644
Farahnaz Khosravi
03 321 8644

Dr Surinder Tandon
03 321 8644

The organisation: - builds capacity for ethnic groups and new Christchurch residents - hosts political forums - hosts special meetings for the purpose of discussing issues that have impact upon existing ethnic groups - Supports Culture Galore since 2005 - Supports Soccer Ethnic Festival since 2005 - Attends Citizenship Ceremonies
Christchurch PHO
16/27 Waterman Place
Phone: 03 374 6288


03 374 6288

Christchurch Power Consumers Society
Unit 2, 1Spurway Place
Phone: 03 385 5110
Ralph Ross
03 385 5110

The idea of forming a group or forum of interested organisations to look at present and future energy issues in (greater) Christchurch came up at a committee meeting of the Christchurch Power Consumers' Society. The idea was further discussed with Roger Sutton, of Orion, who was interested in the feedback that the CPCS might be able to provide on consumer preferences with regard to some of Orion's targets. This concept document suggests a way of developing these ideas. The concept is of informal ties between organisations involved in energy in the greater Christchurch area, which would work together (mainly by e-mail) to: • identify energy issues that affect Christchurch, now or in the future; • prioritise these issues; • work out ways of handling them in the best interests of the community.
Christchurch Resettlement Services
PO Box 9062
Tower Junction
Phone: 03 335 0311
Fax: 03 335 0312

Shirley Wright

Status: Returning to Business as usual. Provision of resettlement services (social work, ongoing orientation, children's and youth services, and health promotion) to refugees, migrants and asylum seekers coming to live in Christchurch.
Christchurch Victim Support Group Inc
PO Box 2109
Phone: 03 363 7643
Fax: 03 372 8006

Marie Hand
03 363 7643

Carolyn Hanson
03 363 7643

We are a non profit, volunteer based organisation that, working with Police, provides emotional support and practical assistance to victims of crime, accident and emergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Christchurch YMCA
PO Box 2004
Phone: 03 366 0689
Fax: 03 365 1386


03 366 0689

CURRENT STATUS: Limited services available See Action Record for more info. The YMCA is a charitable organisation offering a combination of recreation, fitness, youth programmes, accommodation and holiday programmes. A founding member of Push Play with Active Christchurch.
Citizens Advice Bureau - Christchurch
P O Box 16271
Phone: 0800 367 222
Fax: 03 349 4987

Stowe Alrutz
021 246 0940

Citizens Advice trained volunteers provide free impartial and confidential advice to the community. There is a telephone service maintianed from 9am - 5pm monday to friday on 0800367222 and a walk in face to face service in the Hornby Community Centre and CPIT students centre in Madras Street.
City Care Limited
PO Box 7669
Phone: 03 941 7200
Tim Gibson
03 941 7200

Peter Lord
03 941 7200

Citycare delivers infrastructure design, maintenance, asset management/optimisation and construction services. The Citycare operational delivery model includes the end-to-end design, construction and maintenance of public and private building and greenspace facilities and roading, landscapes and subdivisions construction and maintenance through Citycare Property and design, construction and maintenance for water, wastewater and stormwater networks, with a focus on smarter management and optimisation of water sector infrastructure assets to ensure safe and sustainability water supply with Citycare Water.
ComCare Charitable Trust
PO Box 22-004
Phone: 03 377 7020
Fax: 03 377 7021


03 377 7020

CURRENT STATUS: FULLY OPERATIONAL ComCare works with and for people who experience mental illness in Canterbury by providing quality community services. These services include a range of housing from housing facilitation to sheltered housing, supported employment, education, training and individual support. Staff in Christchurch, Ashburton and North Canterbury assist people to develop life skills, leisure, recreation and social activities. Email: enquiries@comcare.org.nz
Community and Public Health: a division of the Canterbury District Health Board (CPH)
PO Box 1475
Christchurch Central
Phone: 03 364 1777
Fax: 03 379 6125

Claire Dangerfield
03 364 1777

Sara Epperson
03 364 1777

Tanya McCall
03 364 1777

Anna Stevenson
03 364 1777

Community & Public Health delivers public health services in Canterbury (from Kaikoura to the Waitaki River) and the West Coast. Public Health Services are population - based health promotion and health protection activities that are concerned with whole populations, or groups such as children or elderly people, rather than individuals.
Community Energy Action
P O Box 13759
Phone: 03 374 7222

Caroline Shone
03 374 7222

Community Energy Action is a Christchurch based charitable trust that works to keep our community warm. We offer subsidised insulation and heating grants, free and impartial energy advice and free recycled curtains for those on low incomes. Some energy efficiency products are available from our website, including Do-It-Yourself window insulation. The Curtain Bank operates at 55 Ferry Road in the CBD (Monday to Thursday 9am to 4pm - by appointment only, and open to the public on Tuesdays from 12.30 to 4pm).
Community Law Canterbury
PO Box 2912
Phone: 027 312 2238
Fax: 03 341 7586

Paul O'Neill
03 371 3812

CURRENT STATUS: Most services operating at another premises. See Action Record for more information. Research into unmet legal needs in Christchurch. Development of an online community communications/networking database. Development of a representative agency/lobby group to represent community groups to politicians/govt.depts.