Waka Toa Ora Signatory List

There are 202 signatory records.

OrganisationContact PeopleDescription
Mental Health Education and Resource Centre
PO Box 32035
Phone: (03) 3655344
Fax: 03 3655345

Paula Rountree
(03) 3655344

Current Status: Professional Development sessions now up and running. Refer http://www.mherc.org.nz/education.htm. Provide education and information on a wide range of mental health matters.
Mental Health Foundation
PO Box 532
Cashel Street
Phone: 03 366 6936
Fax: 03 365 5079
Kate Ensor
03 366 6936

CURRENT STATUS: Operational SERVICES AVAILABLE 1) Information and resources available from www.mentalhealth.org.nz 2) Regular Servies The Mental Health Foundation’s mission is to improve the mental health of all people and communities in New Zealand. To achieve this mission the Foundation uses a mental health promotion approach. Our core service areas include:· Mental health information via our National Information and Resource Service and our Depression Awareness Campaign “Out of the Blue/Kia Marama www.outofthe blue.org.nz· Reducing discrimination against people with experience of mental illness (Like Minds project)· Suicide prevention information New Zealand (SPINZ)· Policy advice and network development· Workshops Mental health promotion for businesses, NGOs, etc (Working Well). Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/mentalhealthfoundationNZ GENERAL COMMENTS We are very happy about finding a temporary office space in the City. Staff are all working from their same email addresses which can be found on the website, the new postal address is above. Please feel free to visit our new space at: Unit 16, 212 Antigua Street, City, Christchurch However, this site is only very temporary so we are still looking for more a permanent location in the city.
Methodist Mission (South Island)
PO Box 5416
Phone: 3751470

Eve Lafferty

The Methodist Mission is a church social service agency that has served the people of Canterbury since 1939. It’s main service areas are: ChildWise – child and family services Te Kete Oranga – foodbank and advocacy programmes, budgeting services and work brokerage WesleyCare - older citizens service
MHAPS - Mental Health Advocacy and Peer Support
PO Box 33 332
Phone: 365 9479

Marney Ainsworth
022 370 8055

As people who have experienced mental illness or addictions, we provide services to assist others with similar experiences as they improve their quality of life. These services include individual peer support for people experiencing mental distress, alcohol/drug addictions, anxiety, bipolar disorder and depression; a variety of peer support groups; peer advocacy for people needing assistance with WINZ, ACC, AoD services, etc.; consumer participation; Latnam House drop-in centre, and a medley of courses, workshops and information evenings. (MHAPS was formed from a merger between Anxiety Support Canterbury, Bipolar Support Canterbury and Psychiatric Consumers Trust in 2011). Self referral by phone, text, email or visit is welcomed. Most of our services are free. A small charge is made for some workshops and courses to cover costs.
Ministry for Vulnerable Children Tamariki Ora - West Chch
PO Box 37365

Was previously Child Youth and Family. Part of Ministry of Social Development
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Health & Safety Service (Labour Group)
PO Box 13 278
Fax: 03 365 2616

David Hulston

OSH is a service under the Dept of Labour. Our focus is 'facilitating the achievement of best practice workplace health and safety in New Zealand.
Ministry of Health (MoH) Christchurch
PO Box 3877
Phone: 03 974 2040
Fax: 03 3721015

Peter Burt
372 3044

Rebecca Kemp
03 974 2040

The Ministry of Health is responsible for ensuring the health and disability system works for New Zealanders. It is the Government’s primary advisor on health policy and disability support services and is responsible for a range of things some of which are: Facilitating collaboration and co-ordination within and across sectors Nationwide planning and maintenance of service frameworks Planning and funding public health, disability support services and other services that are retained centrally
Ministry of Justice (formerly Dept. for Courts)
PO Box 4618
Phone: 03 962 4000
Fax: 03 962 4302

03 962 4000

Courts exist to resolve disputes between the State and individuals, or between individuals. They do this by considering the evidence on all sides of the dispute, interpreting the law as it applies to that evidence, and determining judgments. Hence, a "court" is, in fact, the judicial decision-making process, which when considered overall, is the tangible representation of formal "justice" in society.
Ministry of Social Development (MSD) Christchurch
P O Box
Phone: 03 963 2300

Denise Jackson
03 963 2300

Marie Ward
03 963 2300

National Heart Foundation Canterbury Branch
P O Box 696
Phone: 03 3662112
Fax: 03 3653758

03 3662112

The Heart Foundation is the charity that leads the fight against cardiovascular disease. The Heart Foundation provides services in: Research Health Promotion – through School Food Programmes: Under Fives, Healthy Heart Award Prog and Jump Rope for Heart Heart Care – Community Cardiac Clubs
Natural Fertility NZ

Phone: 03 3540037

Cassandra Woollett
03 3540037

Natural Fertility NZ is the leading provider of natural fertility knowledge and methods to New Zealand. We teach women/couples about their fertility using a scientifically based method. This information can be used to avoid or achieve a pregnancy. We also offer an education service in which educators are available to speak to community groups, health professionals and schools on any issues relating to fertility.
Network Waitangi Otautahi
c/- 141 Hereford Street
Phone: 03 365 5266

Kathy Duncan

Katherine Peet
03 384 1281

CURRENT STATUS: NWO has a particular emphasis on encouraging those who do not have Maori ancestry to understand the Treaty of Waitangi. We promote Strong Sustainability and take a Community Development approach, so we start where groups and individuals are, taking into account the time they have available and the outcomes they want to achieve. NWO accepts koha in recognition of our work. We are an educational incorporated society with charitable status and part of a wider national network of groups and individuals who are working towards a society based on the Treaty.
New Brighton Project
PO Box 18634
New Brighton
Phone: 03 388 9920


03 388 9920

New Zealand Immigration (Christchurch)
PO Box 22111
Phone: 9637804
Fax: 03 9637815


Government department dealing with immigration issues.
New Zealand Police
PO Box 2109
Phone: 03 363 7400
Fax: 03 363 5619

03 363 7400

Our aims are crime and crash reduction, and to increase community safety.
New Zealand Prostitutes Collective
PO Box 13561
Phone: 3652595
Fax: 03 3744100

Tracy McKenzie

NZPC offers support and advice to females, males and transgender people in the sex industry. Health services for HIV and STI prevention include distribution of condoms and lubricants, a free weekly clinic, a youth worker street outreach project. NZPC is a national organisation which promotes and advocates the Rights, Health and Wellbeing of all sex industry workers.
Nurse Maude Association
PO Box 36126
Phone: 375 4200
Fax: 03 375 2061

Sue Bramwell
03 375 4200 ext 7088

Alex Williams

The Nurse Maude Association is committed to community health care and provides a range of services to the people of Canterbury. These services include district nursing, home care, specialist nursing services such as continence and stoma advice, as well as an 80 bed Hospital and 11 bed Hospice onsite in Merivale. These services are supported with meals and linen services, and the Shop at Nurse Maude where items are available for hire and sale to assist around the home.
NZ Gifts of Love and Strength
75 Proctor Street
Phone: 027 438 8149

Vicki-Anne Parker
027 438 8149

We supply food, care packages and outings for victims of severe tragedy. We are based on donations from the general public and businesses. We see that by engaging all sectors of the community in cheap acts of kindness it also helps reduce mental illness in the city. We focus on minimising food wastage, and also engaging the victims of tragedy to play a part in the humanitarian response so they still have their mana intact.
NZ Red Cross
PO Box 217
Phone: 03 339 7111
Carol Ball
03 339 7111

Jacky Martin

New Zealand Red Cross undertakes a range of welfare and emergency management activities throughout New Zealand. In Christchurch, Red Cross works with communities and individuals through a range of community programmes, first aid training, retail shops, emergency management activities and earthquake recovery programmes and grants.
Okeover Community Garden
90 Ilam Road
Phone: 364 3495

364 3495

One Voice Te Reo Kotahi
PO Box 32035
Phone: 033841281

Katherine Peet
03 384 1281

Karaitiana Tickell

One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK) gives voice to organisations that have not been formed by Government or commerce - Third Sector Organisations (TSOs). TSOs who agree with the OVTRK kaupapa can put themselves on the OVTRK Register. This is a no-cost opportunity for people organising around a common interest, identity, issue or place. We speak from not for the Sector and have a have a particular interest in working together for an ecological multicultural future as tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti. We focus on strategy and policy for Greater Christchurch and identifying resources for our VALUING TSOs PROJECT.
Otago of University, Christchurch
PO Box 4345
Phone: 03 364 0530

Robyn Maguigan
364 0522

Lorelei Mason
21 279 2203

The University of Otago, Christchurch has an international reputation for quality medical research and teaching. Teaching programmes include medicine, postgraduate nursing, postgraduate health sciences, and health research doctorates.
Otautahi Community Housing Trust
P O Box 53
Phone: 0800 624 456

Jason Blake
0800 624 456

The Otautahi Community Housing Trust is an accredited Community Housing Provider and is able to house people with the greatest need and who have an application on the Social Housing Register operated by the Minister of Social Development. The Trust manages over 2300 social housing homes, catering mainly for single people, couples or small families, due to the size of our housing stock.
Otautahi Creative Spaces Trust

Kim Morton

Strengthening communities and improving wellbeing through participatory creative arts programmes in local places.
Otautahi Maori Wardens
P O Box 18691
New Brighton
Phone: 021 236 1489

Jacqui Te Wani
021 236 1489

Otautahi Maori Wardens always pay homage to those who have gone before us and who have laid the foundation on which we operate and advance today. The Otautahi Maori Wardens are a non-profit organization who carry out service which are beneficial to our members and the community at large, for the relief of poverty, advancement of education, health, recreation and social welfare with specific attention to meeting the needs of youth, the aged and those that are socially and economically disadvantaged.
Otautahi Sports Association
483 Tuam Street
Christchurch 8011

Club Coordinator

We provide owned facilities and an opportunity for youth and adults to participate in a full range of recreational activities ie rugby, hockey, netball and softball
Pathways Health Ltd
PO Box 22-105
Phone: 3393780
Fax: 3393783
tbc tbc
03 339 3785

Pathways is New Zealand’s leading national provider of community-based mental health and wellbeing services. We’re passionate about supporting people with experience of mental illness - we’ve been dedicated to it for over 25 years. We provide a range of community-based support services around practical daily living, living a healthy life, employment and housing. We’re here to support people to live well in the community of their choice.
Pegasus Health Ltd
PO Box 741
Phone: 03 379 1739
Fax: 03 365 5977

Maori Health
03 379 1739

Katie Brown
03 379 1739

Status: Business as usual Pegasus Health is a charitable organisation, made up of 219 doctor members and 250 practice nurses. Pegasus Health provides many support services to Canterbury family practices to allow them to do what they do best – care for patients.
Philippi Prison Ministry
PO Box 16388
Phone: 03 313 0197

Ben Carr
349 2819

Norman Maindonald
03 313 0197

A locally based prison ministry which provides practical and spiritual help and support to those in prisons plus their wives, partners and children.
Phillipstown Community Centre
Room 2, 39 Nursery Road
Phone: (03) 5952023


(03) 5952023

Mission Statement: The purpose of the Phillipstown Community Centre Charitable Trust is to provide a safe, caring supportive environment to foster individual and community growth. Located in the Phillipstown Community Hub which occupies the former Phillipstown School in Nursery Rd, and within walking distance of Eastgate and the city centre, the Centre provides the opportunity for people to come together and develop networks and friends by meeting others with similar needs and interests. The Christchurch City Council together with the Community Trust provided the funding for its establishment and a representative group of local residents now run the Centre under the auspices of a Charitable Trust. Both local businesses and residents are currently represented on the Trust.
Pillars Incorporated
13/303 Blenheim Road
Upper Riccarton
Phone: 03 377 3990
Fax: 03 377 3991


03 377 3990

Status: Fully operational The charity's vision: To provide support to the children of prisoners in New Zealand, helping them cope with parental imprisonment, and reducing the rate of intergenerational offending. The charity's mission To provide efficient and effective best-practice services to the children of prisoners and their families/whanau in New Zealand by: • providing nationwide telephone and online counselling and support; • direct personal services in Christchurch, Auckland and other centres where they can be adequately resourced and managed; • the preparation and distribution of relevant written and electronic information to them; and • creating awareness of their needs and advocating on behalf of them to government, local bodies, schools, prisons, community groups and any other relevant person or organisations; and • conducting research and information gathering that ensures an up-to-date picture of the issues surrounding them to support the above services. Our programmes: Nationwide Helpline; Home based family support; Children of prisoners mentoring programme; Together Programme – school to school mentoring programme; Close to Home – Family Reintegration Programme; Pillars Father’s and Children Activity Centre Christchurch Men’s Prison;
Pink Health Otautahi
PO Box 1475
Phone: 3799480 ext 755
Fax: 03 3796125
Diane Shannon
3799480 ext 755

Pink Health Otautahi is a network of gay and lesbian health professionals who seek to promote the health of GLBT (gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender) communities in Christchurch through education and advocacy with those communities and people who work with them.
P O Box 27149
Phone: 385 0556
Fax: 03 385 0553

Megan Talman
385 0556

Pregnancy Help Inc Canterbury Branch supports the wellbeing of pregnant and recently pregnant women, new mothers and their families/whanau, with care, concern and confidentiality. The service is free and professionally delivered. We are a non-political, non-denominational and non-judgmental organisation which has been providing help in Canterbury since 1976, as a branch of a national organisation founded in 1975. Drop-In Centre located at The Old Central New Brighton School - Hawke Street Entrance.
Plains FM Radio
PO Box 22297
Phone: 03 365 7997
Fax: 03 3400967

Sinclair Gonsalves
03 365 7997

Ms Nicki Reece
03 365 7997

PLAINS FM 96.9 provides the training & facilities for Cantabrians to participate in the media; to make and broadcast their own radio programmes and podcasts in their own way and language of choice. We favour programming by, for and about our region for the benefit, education, and enjoyment of Cantabrians.
PostFile TEST

Fax: 03 379 6125

Prisoners Aid and Rehabilitation Society of Canterbury (Inc) - PARS
PO Box 7697
Phone: 03 371 9183
Fax: 03 371 9186

Aimee Reardon
03 371 9183

We work with prisioners and the community. We have field workers who visit the prisons, a team of volunteers who take children out to the prison. We are the bridge between the prison and the community.
Problem Gambling Foundation
20 Buckleys Road
Phone: 03 379 2824
Fax: 03 379 4334
Karena Quigley
03 379 2824

The Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand is dedicated to assisting those with problems caused through gambling by providing support, counselling and information, and by raising awareness of the issue through health promotion. Join us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pgfnz Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Problem-Gambling-Foundation/118587060481?ref=mf
Project Lyttelton Incorporated
P O Box 74
Phone: 03 328 9243

Sue-Ellen Sandilands
03 328 9243

A grass roots community organisation working towards a common vision for Lyttelton - Portal to Canterbury's historic past - a vibrant sustainable community creating a living future
Public Health Association of New Zealand
PO Box 11-243
Phone: 0276622066
Sara Epperson

The Public Health Association (NZ) is a voluntary organisation which provides the main form for exchange of information about public health in NZ. Members take a leading part in developing healthy public policy through submissions, seminars and annual conference. Membership is open to anyone interested in public health. The Canterbury branch at the PHA provides a local response to public health issues and organises activities such as local seminars, an annual health promotion award for a community initiative and medical training for community health organisations.

Provides support for LGBTQIA+. Have the mandate for the Trans Peer Support service. Hold weekly social groups for Youth (under 21) and Adults (over 21).

Rainbow Medicine Healing Trust
4a Avoca Valley Road
Heathcote Valley
Phone: 3764324
Fax: 03 376 4325

Lesley Exeter

Our trust works to enhance family unity by bridging and mentoring. We scrapbooking with children and adults to develop their creativity as they make their journey of selfl-discovery, and work through emotional traumas. We help to achieve complete wellbeing within the family/whanau.
Rata Midwives

Phone: 3325702

Jo Ryde

Bringing a new life into this world is a very special time for families. At Midwives on Barrington our aim is to provide you with the care and support you need for a safe and fulfilling pregnancy and birth. What a great start for you and your new baby!
Recycle a Device

Phone: 0204 0169 6510

Rebecca Harris

RAD promotes health and wellbeing by removing barriers to education, employment and participation in daily life for young people. We provide education and career pathways for students who learn tech and STEM skills from our refurbishment classes, and help bridge the digital divide for community members that currently have difficulty accessing hardware.
Restorative Justice Services Trust
PO Box 29 704
Phone: 03 940 9497
Fax: 03 940 9498

Tracey Wakefield
03 940 9497

CURRENT STATUS: Limited services available See Action Record for more info. Restorative Justice Services Christchurch practises and promotes restorative justice by giving people the opportunity to take part in restorative justice conferences where victims of crime are given a voice and their questions answered, adult offenders take responsibility for their actions, restitution is discussed and agreed to, healing and forgiveness are encouraged.
Rowley Community Centre
89 Rowley Avenue
Hoon Hay
Phone: 03 960 1776
Fax: 03 9601786

Evelyn Kenneally
03 960 1776

We offer courses and workshops based on local needs. The centre is open 10am to 3pm and people can drop in for free tea/coffee, a chat, to read the paper or look at the 2nd hand clothes, paperbacks or pamphlets we have available.
Salvation Army Oasis Centre for Problem Gambling
126 Bealey Avenue
Christchurch Central
Phone: 03 365 9659
Fax: 03 365 7585

Debbie Savin
021 534 216

Jody Turner
03 365 9659

The Oasis Centre for Problem Gambling provides free and confidential counselling service for problem gamblers and those affected by another’s problem gambling. Working with a gambler’s family is as important as working with the problem gambler. Group work is part of the service offered. In addiction, the Oasis staff work at a community and political level to support healthy changes to the gambling environment. The Oasis Centre is part of the Salvation Army Addictions Services with centres in the major New Zealand cities. Referral is simply by phoning the centre. Appointments can be made within a week.
Sarona Community Trust
26 Cedars Street
Phone: 03 3382677
Fax: 03 335 0243

03 3382677

As a Christian Mental Health Residential Service, we offer living skills activities and other programmes in a safe and caring environment. We also promote community participation at all levels. The trained staff work on a one to one basis whereby empowering and developing the strengths of the individual concerned.
School of Health Sciences, University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Phone: 03 343 7737
To be Advised
03 343 7737

Informed by active and successful research programmes, significant national and international collaborations, and academic staff who are of international standing, the School of Health Sciences offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and research activities that respond to the dynamic nature of the health and education sector and its workforce. These include postgraduate programmes in Counselling, Specialist Teaching, and Child and Family Psychology, as well as various population health and clinical endorsements within the Postgraduate Diploma and Masters of Health Sciences, such as men's health and palliative care.
ScreenSouth Ltd
P O Box 25 087
Victoria Street
Phone: 03 365 5287
Fax: 03 379 6130
Jin Cho
03 365 5287

ScreenSouth is a non-profit organization whose function is to administer breast screening across the upper and lower South Island. ScreenSouth is also responsible for administration of the National Cervical Screening Programme in Canterbury and South Canterbury.