Waka Toa Ora Signatory List

There are 202 signatory records.

OrganisationContact PeopleDescription
Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa
PO Box 40113
Phone: 03 377 0666
Fax: 03 379 7860

03 377 0666

FP's mission is to provide a positive view of sexuality, informed choice and access to accurate information and quality sexuality and reproductive health services. FP provides clinical and education services FP seeks to work in partnership with the Tangata Whenua in accordance with the Treaty of Waitangi
Shirley Community Trust
PO Box 35-002
Phone: 03 981 5521
Fax: 03 981 3456

Shirley Community Mary Hussey
03 981 5521

The Shirley Community Trust (SCT) is part of St Stephens Anglican Church social ministry in the Shirley area.
SigJaws Trust
301 Tuam Street
Phone: 940 9470

Mr Gary Watts
940 9470

SigJaws Trust is a Community based organisation specifically designed to assist people (including similar organisations) who experience severe difficulties and/or major personal hardship.
Smokefree Canterbury

Smokefree Canterbury is a group of people representing various agencies that aims to contribute to smokefree action in the Canterbury region. The group provides the opportunity to network, work on joint projects, to advocate and share resources.
Social Equity & Wellbeing Network (SEWN)

Christchurch Central
Phone: 03 366 2050

Liz Hawes
03 366 2050

Our purpose is to promote social equity, justice and wellbeing by advocating on issues, empowering groups and facilitating collaboration in the social services sector.
Soil and Health Association (Christchurch/Waitaha Branch)



Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy People. Monthly public meetings to promote this concept and inform people on all aspects of organics and its benefits. Quarterly branch magazine $10 per annum "Organic Matters" or $5 for email only.
South New Brighton Ratepayers Association
85 Estuary Road
Phone: 388 4875
Chris O'Brien
388 4875

Keeping area residents informed, maintaining a healthy community and community development.
Sport Canterbury
PO Box 2606
Phone: 3735060
Fax: 03 3870284

Julyan Falloon

Dean Roulston

Sport Canterbury is one of New Zealand's 17 Regional Sports Trusts committed to promoting sport and physical activity through clubs, schools and regional organisations as well as through their own initiatives. Sport Canterbury enjoys great reach into our local communities and plays a leading role in promoting active healthy lifestyles. Chief Executive, Selwyn Maister and the team at Sport Canterbury are committed to working in partnership with the Christchurch City Council and all the other relevant agencies in Christchurch to provide information and services across the whole field of sport and physical recreation in the city.
Sport Canterbury - Healthy Families Christchurch
Unit B, 1 Brynley Street
Phone: 03 377 8159
To Update
03 377 8159

St Albans Residents Association (SARA)
PO Box 21 102
Phone: 3742465
Fax: 03 3742467

Emma Twaddell
03 374 2465

CURRENT STATUS: Centre closed but operating at another site. See Action Record for more info. The St Albans Residents Association is not just a residents' group that 'reacts' to issues but also is 'proactive' in promoting the wellbeing of the St Albans suburb through community development for all groups.
St Nicholas Youth Trust
231 Barrington Street
Phone: 3322167


Provide leadership and resources for young people and their families in SW Christchurch (e.g youth groups, mentoring). Organisation currently in recess.
Stand Children's Services
PO Box 30055
Phone: 03 332 2541
Fax: 03 332 9615

Trevor Batin
03 332 2541

CURRENT STATUS: Open, accepting referrals Stand Children’s Services provides: • Support for children who have experienced trauma, and their families, in residential and home settings • Social Workers in Schools • Family Therapy Service
PO Box 21022
Phone: 355 4414
Fax: 03 355 5804
Maggy Tai Rakena

CURRENT STATUS: Limited services available Still in process of re-establishing facilities as usual building yellow stickered Temporary buildings at same site in process of set up. Existing clients being attended to. START Inc offers a quality counselling service free of charge to children, young people, adults and their whanau who have disclosed sexual abuse. In addition START Inc provides low cost education to members of the professional and general community and a consultation service for those who have concerns about sexual abuse
Stay On Your Feet Steering Group
P O Box 13171

Stay on Your Feet Canterbury is a falls prevention programme which aims to reduce the incidence of falls among older people (65+) in Canterbury. Representatives from a wide range of community and health agencies have formed a Steering Group and various working parties to advance the programme goals through what is proving to be a very positive and effective community and health promotion model. The Steering Group’s strategies centre around: 1.Reducing modifiable risk factors. 2. Raising awareness (in all sectors) of the issue of falls among older people. 3. Providing leadership and coordination for those with an interest in preventing falls among older people. 4.Promoting good health and positive ageing for older people. 5.Research, recording and evaluation. The programme has based its approach and interventions on the experience, research and evaluation of both the Australian Stay on Your Feet model and the Otago Home Exercise Programme.
Step Ahead Trust
PO Box 32 025
Phone: 3894001
Fax: 03 3894042

Bryan Gilchrist

Step Ahead provides community-based Activity and pre-Vocational rehabilitation services for people with mental illness throughout Christchurch and rural Canterbury. The organisation is underpinned by a strong empowerment philosophy which sees members involved at every level from governance and planning to organising and leading activities. Step Ahead has been successfully providing programmes which make a positive difference in people’s lives for over 20 years.
Stepping Stone Trust
PO Box 33 103
Phone: 03 338 6390


03 338 6390

CURRENT STATUS: FULLY OPERATIONAL Mental health residential, respite and community support service. Provide services for more than 200 clients per week throughout Canterbury. Employ a range of health professionals including nurses, social workers, counsellors etc. Emphasis upon youth and young adults but provide services for those aged 14 - 65.
Stopping Violence Services (Chch) Inc
PO Box 774
Phone: 03 365 6266


03 365 6266

Status: Limited Services as building in red zone. SVS offers a range of services to men, women and youths who wish to stop their violence and abuse. Services are also available for women whose behaviour is harmful to others.A range of services is also available to victims of violent and abusive relationships.Groups programmes are our preferred way of working, however individual programmes are available in special conditions i.e.cognitive ability, work clashes, sexual orientation, English is not their first language, disability, head injury.SVS workers are men and women from many different backgrounds who have undergone extensive training and been accredited for this work.
Sumner Community Residents Association
PO Box 17608
Phone: 03 3267817

Susan Kaschula
03 3267817

The Sumner Community Residents' Association is committed to a vision of Sumner as a unique seaside community that is lively, resilient and prosperous. The Sumner Community Residents’ Association will act as a conduit for the community and external stakeholders, and also support and enable the aspirations of our community to achieve the vision.
Sustainable Otautahi Christchurch (SOC Inc)
PO Box 2216
Phone: 021 0437128
Dave Evans
021 0437128

Sustainable Otautahi Christchurch (SOC) is an incorporated membership society, formed in 2005, which carries on the vision of two previous local voluntary organisations, Sustainable Cities Trust and Christchurch-Otautahi Agenda 21 Forum. Former members of both those groups are involved, along with a new generation of Christchurch people, who work towards the bold vision of Christchurch people “practicing, living and demonstrating sustainability in all that they do.” SOC’s registered charitable aim, which recognises Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi as a foundation, is to actively contribute within Otautahi-Christchurch to opportunities and means for achievement of long term sustainability. In trying to make a difference, and head that direction, SOC members seek to: ensure that all people have their basic needs satisfied, so that they can live in dignity, in healthy communities, while having the minimum adverse impact on natural systems both now and in the future.
Tangata Atumotu Trust
P O Box 172
Phone: 272 293 808

Carmen Collie

Tangata Atumotu Trust is Canterbury’s longest-standing Pasifika provider. We understand our community’s specific health and wellbeing needs, and work across a wide range of sectors to improve the health outcomes of our community.
Target Zero
PO Box 73041
Phone: 941 8999

Lisa deHaan
941 8999

Target Zero is a Christchurch City Council resource efficiency/waste minimisation initiative working with Christchurch businesses to save money and reduce environmental impacts. The goal is innovative, profitable and accountable businesses that integrate sustainable economic, social and environmental values in their thinking, decision making and behaviour.
Te Mataariki Whaioranga Trust
PO Box 20254
Phone: 3850815
Fax: 03 3749301

Ateremu McNeill

The Mataariki Whaioranga Trust is currently developing a range of services to enhance the well-being and educational opportunities for Rangatahi and their Whanau.
Te Puawaitanga Ki Otautahi Trust
PO Box 16886
Phone: 03 3445062
Fax: 03 3490645
Alison Bourn
029 770 9242

Te Puawaitanga Ki Otautahi Trust is a leading Kaupapa Maori Provider dedicated to improving, promoting and delivering health care and education in the community.
Te Rangimarie Centre
PO Box 32 056
Phone: 03 379 8596

03 379 8596

Te Runanga O Nga Maata Waka
P O Box 15057
Phone: 3826628
Fax: 03 3651253

Norm Dewes

Te Runanga O Nga Maata Waka is people-driven and delivers health, education and a host of community services. It aims to take mainstream values and fit them to Maori values, to assist the Maori population to attain the highest possible levels of education and to unify all Tangata Whenua.
Te Runanga O Ngai Tahu
P O Box 13 046
Phone: 03 366 4344
Fax: 03 365 4424
Amber Clarke
03 366 4344

Marcus Gibbs
03 366 4344

Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu exists to grow and develop Ngai Tahu whanau members who are culturally able, well-connected to their Ngai Tahu community and outstanding performers in their chosen field.
Te Runanga o Ngati Kahungunu

Phone: 385 4086
Merv Hawkins
385 4086

Herbie Timu
385 4086

A range of social services which include Agriculture (gardens), prison support, hospital visits, family guidance and support all voluntarily. Our focus is to help and share with others what we have to offer.
Te Tahi Youth
P O Box 2986
Phone: 03 943 9298
Fax: 03 379 3195
Fiona Kay
03 943 9298

Jo Kirrane
03 943 9298

The 198 Youth Health Centre is a community based not-for-profit organisation governed by the Youth Health Trust. The 198 Youth Health Centre provides free ‘youth friendly’ accessible primary health care services including GPs, nurses, Counsellors, social workers, youth workers and peer supporters for young people 10 to 25. Mission:To enable young people of all ethnic backgrounds to have access to services which promote physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and social health
Te Whare Awhero/The Hope Centre
P O Box 16451
Phone: 03 967 4673

Kerrie van Woerden
967 4673

Te Whare Awhero/The Hope Centre is a holistic health centre that serves the community by providing free counselling and meditation, social workers, community development projects, research and community meeting/office space.
Te Whare Hauora

Phone: 03 379 6910
Fax: 03 379 6918

Hana x
03 379 6910

The Giggles
10 Reeves Road
Phone: 03 980 3681

Hannah Airey

“The Giggles Laughter Workshops” present innovative, dynamic stress management and team building workshops by using a powerful combination of positive psychology and laughter. This instantly connects people, breaks down barriers and creates a positive environment. When this is done through something as fun and as simple as unconditional laughter, it is so empowering for the individuals. It is also perfect for those of us who have been through the stress and trauma of the earthquakes. We help people get in touch with themselves again and give them tools to take away, which they can use in all spheres of their lives. Our workshops are ideal for all organisations and support groups.”
The Green Lab (formerly Greening the Rubble)
150 Lichfield Street
Christchurch CBD

Bridget Allen

Katie Hallam

The Green Lab creates urban green spaces that support strong social connection and wellbeing in Otautahi Christchurch.
The Just Dirt Trust

Phone: 03 3856894

Selwyn Eagle
03 3856894

We assist folk to get involved in their community, with gardening and other fun activities.
The Neighbourhood Trust
P O Box 21-179
Phone: 027 746 5168

Ginny Larsen
027 746 5168

Neighbourhood Trust (NHT) works mainly in the Mairehau/Shirley area of Christchurch using a strengths-based community-led model working with our community to promote a healthy, happy, caring community. Its focus is breaking down barriers, building connections between our community members and other organisations, and helping people achieve their potential, especially with older adults, families, parents and children. Also runs a citywide Parenting Week every two years.
The Salvation Army Hope Centre
PO Box 1015
Phone: 3668128
Fax: 03 3668295


CURRENT STATUS: Most services operating See action record: EQ Update Status for all services update. The Salvation Army Hope Centre provides foodbank, budget, family mentoring programme, advocacy, job search assistance as well as weekly community activities. Some activities are at certain times of the week, please phone for up to date times.
The Village Presbyterian Church and Community Centre
P O Box 5030
Phone: 3516664

Martin Stewart

The Village Presbyterian Church and Community Centre is actively involved in promoting relationships within the community. We offer courses for adults and children such as, art, music, cooking, dance, health and well-being, after school clubs, craft groups, and monthly lunches for the elderly. Courses are offered in a warm, safe and friendly atmosphere and at a low cost. St. Stephen’s Community Centre is a hive of activity working towards creating a healthy Christchurch We also offer professional family counselling and host adult education with Rising Holm Community Centre.
Therapy Professionals Ltd
P O Box 7807
Phone: 03 3775280
Fax: 03 3775281

Shonagh O'Hagan
03 3775280

Therapy Professionals Ltd is a private community based therapy team offering services in and around Christchurch. We provide a cost effective, efficient and comprehensive service. Our team of physiotherapy, speech language, music occupational therapies and dietitians work with all age groups. Our special interests are: - the elderly - children and adults with special needs (physical, developmental, acquired and intellectual disabilities) - workplace and home safety Our services include: - assessment and treatment - group activities eg exercise, communication classes and a choir - education and support for caregivers - workplace home and safety - supervision - reviews eg menus, activities - professional development Therapy wherever you live, work, learn or play is the most effective way to develop skills for everyday life.
Tourette's Association New Zealand

Phone: 940 9420
Robyn Twemlow
940 9420

The Tourette's Associate of NZ (TANZ) supports kiwi kids and adults, as well as their families, living with the neurological disorder. It provides peer support, educational and advocacy services.
TRANX Incorporated

Darrell Lanini
366 0598

TRANX Inc (Tranquilliser Recovery and New Existence) is a self-help community based group formed to support people who have become addicted to minor tranquillisers and sleeping pills.
27 Amyes Road
Phone: 03 967 4673

03 967 4673

Te Whare Awhero/The Hope Centre is a holistic health centre that serves the community by providing free counselling and meditation, social workers, community development projects, research and community meeting/office space.
Volunteering Canterbury
PO Box 13 698
Phone: 03 366 2442
Fax: 03 366 0117

Glenda Martin
03 365 6943

CURRENT STATUS: Limited services available Consultation and support for voluntary organisations, especially around management of volunteers. We hope to again be able to offer our volunteer referral service by mid-March. Volunteering Canterbury supports voluntary work which is done of one's own free will, unpaid, for the common good. Aroha ki te takata a rohe. They link people who want to volunteer with not-for-profit organisations and projects that involve volunteers, and provide informaiton, training, and support on all aspects of volunteering.
Waimakariri District Council
Private Bag 1005
Phone: 03 313 6136
Tessa Sturley
03 311 8953

Wai-Ora Trust Inc
48 Watsons Road
Phone: 03 359 7407 ext 816
Fax: 03 359 6301

Ricky Ehau
03 359 7407

Alison Lorimer
359 7407

Offering people who are unemployed due to a variety of reasons (eg intellectually disabled; have a mental illness; just released from prison) social and therapeutic horticultural experience.
Waipuna Youth and Community Trust
P O Box 24127
Phone: 3862159 x716
Fax: 03 3862158

Vicki-Ann Thornton
3862159 x716

Status: Business as usual. Community-based trust that works with at risk youth.
Whanau Whanake

Phone: 03-967 1652

Lou McLeod
03-967 1652

Whanau Whanake is wayfinding for whanau to thrive. Our vision is whanau thrive in an accessible, accepting, diverse and inclusive world. We aim to reduce negative health indictors for whanau impacted by chronic health conditions, disability, injury or trauma. Creating opportunities where whanau feel supported to become self-managing. We are dedicated to positively changing whanau narratives.
Whareora House of Life
8 Athelstan Street
Phone: 3372731
Liam Gough

Spreydon Community House offers hospitality, a second hand clothing shop, and rooms for community use.
Women in Enterprise Inc
PO Box 4232
Phone: 3669978
Lynne Prattley

Umbrella group of women for carrying out projects to help other women. Current project: Angel Fund (which offers loans to women).
Womens Centre Inc
PO Box 13 054
Phone: 03 371 7414

Jennifer Lunsford
03 386 2035

The Women's Centre works with and for the well-being of all women by assisting, supporting and encouraging them to make informed decisions in their lives. We offer a sole women only space where you can drop in for time out, some company and a free cuppa, access information and resources on a wide range of services, talk with a skilled worker, access lesbian resources or groups, attend a course or group at low cost. Our service is free. Course brochures for each term are available from the Centre, open 10am-2pm weekdays.
Womens Health Information Centre

Emma Adcock

Lisa Cole

Free health information and referral service for all women.
Woolston Development Project Inc
PO Box 19793
Phone: 3894448
Fax: 03 3895148

Bev Adams

Community based organisation providing - -recreation programmes for primary school children eg afterschool programme and holiday activities; and -advocacy and support for families eg women's group, self esteem and communication skills training, children's behaviour management and parenting.