Waka Toa Ora Signatory List

There are 202 signatory records.

OrganisationContact PeopleDescription
Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP)
P O Box 5186
Phone: 021 342 657
Fax: 3651030
Neil Thompson
021 342 657

Volunteer Organisation who facilitates the internationally acclaimed CHIP lifestyle change program that focuses on creating a supportive environment for change. It involves a pre & post blood glucose adn lipids test, 40 hours of health education, exercise, food demonstration , shopping tours, nutrition education. Based on the work of Dr Han J Diehl the direcot of Lifestyle Medicine institute, Loma Linda California.
Crossover Trust
PO Box 33 048
Phone: 03 338 5288
Fax: 03 338 4325
Lidwina Clarke
03 338 5288

CURRENT STATUS: Most services operating Cross Over Trust provides a unique service in South Christchurch community working with families to affirm, support and guide young people through their life transitions. Our services include four referral based recreation and education youth group programmes for boys and girls 10 – 16 years. Our services include youth workers and a family worker.
Delta Community Support Trust
P O Box 26 091
North Avon
Phone: 03 389 0214
Fax: 03 960 3278


03 389 0214

Delta Community Support Trust is a grass roots organisation established by North Avon Baptist Church in 1995 to minister to its local community. Responding out of Christ's love, Delta seeks to grow supportive inclusive community and has developed a myriad of services for people experiencing hardship, disadvantage, disability and isolation - both locally and from across the city.
Dementia Canterbury
PO Box 32074, Christchurch
Phone: 03 379 2590
Fax: 03 379 7286

Mr Darral Campbell
03 379 2590

Nicky Taylor
03 379 2590

We provide information, education, support, advocacy, groups, theraputic social programs for the dementia community in Canterbury.
Department of Child Youth and Family Services - Papanui
PO Box 5334
Phone: 03 963 2100

03 963 2100

Statutory agency – child abuse, neglect, youth justice Child Youth and Family works with families and other agencies to: - protect and care for children and young people - help families maintain and strengthen their child-rearing role - bring about changes for troubled and troublesome youth - Provide residential care facilities Level 2, Torrens House 195 Hereford Street PO Box 940 CHRISTCHURCH Contact: John Henderson - Southern Regional Manager Email: john.henderson014@cyf.govt.nz
Department of Child Youth and Family Services - Sthn. Reg. Office
84 Langdons Road
Fax: 03 963 6384

Robyn Sadgrove
03 9619031

“Child, Youth and Family works with families and other agencies to:· Protect and care for children and young people · Help families maintain and strengthen their child-rearing role· Bring about changes for troubled and troublesome youth· Provide residential care facilities.”
Department of Internal Affairs - Local Government and Community
PO Box 4033
Phone: 03 353 8294
Fax: 03 353 8299
Trish Hughes
03 353 8294

Deborah Lam

Liz Stephenson
03 353 8294

Local Government & Community provides advice, information and funding for communities and community groups
Depression Support Network
301 Tuam St
Christchurch Central
Phone: 03 366 8083
Fax: 03 388 1076

Gayle Brislane
03 366 8083

Provides community support services for young people and adults whose lives are being affected by depression. Services include: personal, group, phone, newsletter support; education courses; information about depression resources and community networks; participation in service provision.
Diabetes Christchurch Inc.
PO Box 2527
Phone: 378 6197
Fax: 03 378 6196
Lynne Taylor
378 6197

Diabetes Christchurch provides support, information, advocacy, diabetes blood testing products, recipes, diabetes products ie jams, dextrox, carrero and promotional Barnaby Bee products for people with diabetes.
Disabled Persons Assembly
141 Hereford Street
Christchurch Central
Phone: 03 379 8525
Fax: 03 366 8535

Karim Baradi
03 379 8525

The Disabled Persons’ Assembly (DPA) is an umbrella organisation representing: people with all types of disabilities and their families; disability organisations involved in advocacy on their behalf; and disability service providers. As a lobby and advocacy organisation our work includes self-advocacy, monitoring, policy development and submissions, which may cover a range of issues such as access, accommodation, education, employment and transport.
Early Start Project
P O Box 21013
Central City
Phone: 03 365 9087
Fax: 03 365 9237
Tania Gilpin
03 365 9087

Status: Re-located to 136 Holly Road. Early Start encourages and supports families to provide each of their children with a positive and enjoyable childhood experience. Early Start is offered to Christchurch families with newborn babies, where social and family circumstances may put at risk the health and well-being of their children. The service provided is free, long term and home based to promote healthy child development within a nurturing family environment.
ECAN Environment Canterbury
P O Box 345
Phone: 03 353 9007
Fax: 03 365 3194

Vanessa Scott
03 353 9007

Our air section includes live air quality data for Christchurch and several other spots in Canterbury, reports and plans dealing with air issues, and education resources for school-aged children and their families.
P O Box 18-603
New Brighton
Phone: 0800 162 0706

Demelza Pearey
0800 162 0706

Eldernet was established in 1997 as a direct result of the founders seeing the need for a comprehensive information service that focused on issues concerning older people in New Zealand. The internet seemed to be the perfect way to make this information available and so, Eldernet was born. With this impartial information, older people, their families and professionals who work in this sector can access comprehensive information that enables them to make more informed decisions.
Emerge Aotearoa
P O Box 2322
Phone: 027 6164 987

Penny Taylor
027 6164 987

Emerge Aotearoa
P O Box 2322
Phone: 027 6164 987
Leroy Lewis
027 205 8376

Emerge Aotearoa is a large health and social services provider of a wide range of community-based mental health, addiction, disability support and social housing services nationwide. We believe that everyone is capable of living full and rich lives in their communities of choice. In every aspect of our work we are committed to helping our service users be the best they can be.
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand, Christchurch
PO Box 7104
Phone: 03 379 8175
Fax: 03 374 9086

Kim McMaster
03 379 8175

Epilepsy NZ –Canterbury branch provides support and education for people with epilepsy and their families. We also provide information and education to the general public, community groups and employers throughout Canterbury and the West Coast.
Equitas Care Limited

Phone: 033587931

Vicki Corner

Equitas provides young people with disability a supportive home environment for independent living in the community. Each individual is encouraged to reach their potential with maximum independence in all areas of their lives, therefore ensuring a productive, valued and unique lifestyle. Respect for the choices of each individual is nurtured.
ESR Public Health Laboratory (Christchurch)
PO Box 29 181
Phone: 03 351 6019
Fax: 03 351 0010

Maria Hepi
351 0084

Dr Claire Salter
03 351 6019

ESR is a Crown Research Institute committed to protecting people and their environment through science. Our science focuses on how human and naturally occurring influences in the environment impact on the health and well-being of people. Our core areas of activity are food safety, water quality and management, communicable disease and population health surveillance and epidemiology.
Exchange Christchurch (XCHC)
376 Wilsons Road
Phone: 027 828 3757


027 828 3757

Exchange Christchurch was created so the community had a place to create, showcase, and share creative works. We're a social enterprise and have become a model for other businesses to see how it's possible to incorporate social values into their operations and management and become accredited conscious consumers, living-wage employers, a local/healthy creative hospitality option, and provider of opportunities getting people work experience who need support being reintegrated into the workforce and giving them a community of support.
Exercise as Medicine NZ
77 Panorama Road
Phone: 21 262 8886

Kris Tynan
21 262 8886

Exercise as Medicine is a charitable trust that delivers condition-specific exercise programmes to people living with long-term challenges like Parkinson’s, MS, stroke, brain injury, cancer, cardiac conditions, arthritis , osteoporosis and arthritis.
Family Help Trust
PO Box 22126
Phone: 365 9912
Fax: 03 365 9913

Libby Robins

CURRENT STATUS: FULLY OPERATIONAL Service 1 New Start - An intensive home visiting service targeted at multiple problem families. New Start is currently this country's only service of its kind, catering for chronic offenders and their families which targets the young child as the primary client. Service 2 - Safer Families - An intensive home visiting service targeted at multiple problem families. Targets high-risk pregnant women, receiving referrals through lead maternity providers. Both services aim to prevent harm to children from happening by providing intesnive, long term homebased social work support to those families whose characteristics make them more likely to abuse and neglect their children. Services are designed to give such high risk families the skills to adequately parent their children. Services begin ante-natally and continue until the enrolled child enters the school system. In over 11 years of service to high risk children, no child receiving our services has been injured through parental abuse.
Fire Emergency NZ (FENZ)
20 Lichfield Street
Christchurch Central
Phone: 033410266

Sheryl Reveley

The Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017 combined urban and rural fire services into a single, integrated fire and emergency services organisation – Fire and Emergency NZ – with a mandate to provide a wide range of services for communities.
Gap Filler Trust
PO Box 166
Hannah Airey

Gap Filler aims to catalyse a Christchurch – and wider society – where citizens feel empowered to take creative action, and to experiment with fun ways of contributing to the wellbeing of the city and its residents.
Green Effect Trust/Trees for Canterbury
42 Charlesworth Street
Phone: 9821028
Fax: 03 9821028

Steve Bush

Our motto is Employ, Educate, Regenerate. We assist in establishing a sense of involvement in the community for disadvantaged people and provide an environment of acceptance as well as training for self development - installing self esteem and work habit. We also work with educational institutions providing assistance in the teaching of environmental awareness. Finally we cultivate native plants for community plantings and our own revegetation projects.
Haemophilia Foundation of New Zealand
PO Box 7674
Phone: 03 371 7477
Fax: 03 371 7479


03 371 7477

Based in Christchurch, the Haemophilia Foundation of New Zealand (HFNZ) was established in 1958 to provide support for people with Haemophilia and related bleeding disorders and their families/whanau in New Zealand.
He Waka Tapu Limited
PO Box 15037
Phone: 03 373 8150
Fax: 03 381 3207

Lovey Ratima-Rapson
03 37838 150

Status: Site ok LIMITED services available See Action Record for more details Received 24.1.06 Kaupapa: Me mahi tahi tatou mo te oranga o te whanau Working together for the wellbeing of the whanau - increasing the health and wellbeing of whanau by reducing violence and abusive behaviour by restoring to them tikanga that support the promotion of improved whanau, personal health and lifestyle - The promotion of violence-free community by making available the services of He Waka Tapu to all persons regardless of race, gender, religion or sexuality in the belief that everyone deserves to live in a violence free environment.
Health Promotion Agency
PO Box 2142
Stuart Dodd

The HPA leads and delivers innovative, high quality and cost-effective programmes that: •promote health, wellbeing and healthy lifestyles •prevent disease, illness and injury •enable environments that support health and wellbeing and healthy lifestyles •reduce personal, social and economic harm. It also undertakes functions specific to providing advice and research on alcohol issues.
Hepatitis C Community Clinic

Phone: 03 377 8689

03 377 8689

The Hepatitis C Community Clinic offers a free, confidential and non-judgmental service to support people through testing, monitoring and treatment of those living with hepatitis C.
Home and Family Society
PO Box 287
Phone: 03 9440635

Val Carter
03 9440635

Home and Family is a charitable organisation that has been providing social services to the people of Canterbury since 1908. We offer affordable professional counselling, personal development courses, support groups, emergency supported accommodation for women, children and families; also resources and information We offer courses for parenting, personal development and the step parents support group.
Housing First Christchurch

Phone: 027 641 5607

Nicola Fleming
027 641 5607

We provide wrap around support and housing for the chronically homeless in Christchurch.
Human Rights Commission
P O Box 1578
Phone: 03 379 2015
Fax: 03 353 0959
Mr Taine Polkinghorne
03 379 2015

The Commission's vision is that New Zealanders know their rights, acknowledge their responsibilities and respect the rights of others. Kia mohio nga Iwi katoa o Aotearoa, ki o ratou tika, te kawenga o nga tikanga, me te whakamana i nga tika o etahi atu tangata. The Commission's Mission is that we will champion human rights as a fundamental framework for a fair and just society for all the people of New Zealand. Kia ata takia e te Kahui Tika Tangata nga tika tuturu o te tangata hei whakaruruhau i te ohonga pai o ngaiwi katoa o Aotearoa.
ILGA (Oceania)

Phone: 027 405 1883

Rawa Karetai
027 405 1883

An LGTBTI international association lobbying governments and international treaty bodies.
International Missionary Society Health Education Trust Inc
18 Joy Street
Phone: 385 9338
Ernest Gale
385 9338

A registered trust with the Ministry of Commerce, issuing a free type of health education on natural therapy which includes diet and herbal remedies.
Interpreting Canterbury
C/- 310 Tuan Street
Phone: 03 372 9311

Maria Fresia
03 372 9311

CURRENT STATUS: Operating from Community House, Tuam Street. Interpreting Canterbury is a branch of Interpreting New Zealand. Professional interpreting organisation that will see interpreters are available throughout the region and around the clock, wherever important information needs to be conveyed accurately and fully to non-English speakers. Interpreters will work in person and by telephone. This can be in local and central government - such as hospitals, health centres, housing and social services, schools, police and courts - or in community service organisations ranging from early childhood to care of the aged.
Ka Wahine ki Otautahi

Phone: 3890953
Fax: 03 3891329

Angel Renjitch

Accommodation and support service for women referred through the justice system
Kainga Ora
PO Box 5116
Phone: 3750928
Fax: 03 3521236
Ray Tye

Housing New Zealand Corporation manages the Crown's rental housing assets ("State houses") - there are 5400 tenancies in Christchurch and environs. Housing New Zealand Corporation manages the Crown's rental housing assets ("State houses") - there are 5600 tenancies in Christchurch and environs A housing system operates and is based on need - those assessed as having the greatest need are offered tenancies as and when they become vacant. Initial eligibility criteria to be met include NZ residency, net weekly income and assets Tenants pay an income related rent For further details, you can contact any of the following offices: Papanui 375 0928 Riccarton 375 0929 Linwood 375 0909 Aranui Information Centre 375 0926 National Contact Centre 0800 801 601 Welcome Home Loan 0508 WELCOME HOME (0800 93 52 66)
Kidsfirst Kindergartens - Riccarton
PO Box 8089
Phone: 3381303
Fax: 03 3381086

Sheryll Wilson

Canterbury Westland Free Kindergarten Association is an Incorporated Society dating back to 1911. Trading as "Kidsfirst" it provides high quality early childhood education and care to approximately 5,000 children and their families in Christchurch, Lyttelton, Lincoln, Burnham, North Canterbury and West Coast Regions. Currently 63 centres come under the umbrella of "Kidsfirst" offering sessional or full day education and care to children aged between 3 months to 5 years of age. Registered teachers are employed to deliver high quality education. Professional development plays an important role within the organisation to ensure that teachers continue to enhance Kidsfirst Kindergartens is viewed by the Education Review Office [ERO Report dated November 2004] as a progressive and high performing organisation which delivers on its core values to: · To colour learning with fun · To encourage the joys of discovery · To fill young faces with wonder”
Kingdom Resources Ltd
PO Box 33285
Phone: 03 332 1700
Fax: 03 332 1600

John Exton

CURRENT STATUS: FULLY OPERATIONAL Kingdom Resources is a not-for-profit Christian organisation offering budget advice and budget education courses in Christchurch and North Canterbury. Assistance is given with budgeting and/or debt issues for those wanting help with their spending plan. Kingdom Resources offer career advice and employment education courses in Christchurch, and provide a helping hand for those searching for work.
Knox Presbyterian Church
28 Bealey Ave

Bee Bryant

A Presbyterian Church within the Presbyterian church of Aotearoa NZ, committed to liberal/progressive theology and inclusion of all, regardless of age, sexual orientation, cultural background and socio-economic situation.
Landcare Research
PO Box 40
Phone: 321 9999
Fax: 03 321 9998

321 9999

Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research is New Zealand's foremost environmental research organisation specialising in sustainable management of land resources optimising primary production, enhancing biodiversity, increasing the resource efficiency of businesses, and conserving and restoring the natural assets of our communities. Landcare Research is one of nine independent Crown Research Institutes (CRIs) founded in 1992 from a reorganisation of Government funded research in New Zealand. We have strong collaborative links with other CRIs and universities so we can use the most effective combination of skills on each project. Our researchers are supported by sophisticated technology, analytical laboratories, and specialised support such as legal and graphics services, communications and business development, and an extensive specialised library.
Lead Centre for Not for Profit Leadership
57a Cashmere Road
Phone: 03 332 8612

Garth Nowland-Foreman
03 332 8612

Provides management and strategic support to non profit organisations and those who fund them.
Lifelinks Compensation Advisory Services
PO Box 2379
Phone: 365 9593
Fax: 03 365 5244


365 9593

CURRENT STATUS: Staff working in local areas from home Building yellow stickered see Action Report LifeLinks is a Needs Assessment/Service Co-ordination agency, working under contract to the Ministry of Health, to co-ordinate services for people with disabilities aged 0-65 years.
Lincoln University
P O Box 94
Lincoln University
Phone: 03 325 2811
Fax: 03 325 2965
Mike Barthelmeh
03 325 2811

Linkage Trust Webhealth
P O Box 307
Waikato Mail Centre
Hamilton 3240
Fax: c/- 07 839 9987


Webhealth is a health and social service directory with wellbeing resources. Our aim is to link people with the right service or information. Webhealth is a not-for-profit organisation with a strong focus on mental health, physical health and wellbeing. We serve eight district health board regions in New Zealand.
Linwood Avenue Community Corner
378 Linwood Avenue
Phone: 03 980 9827
Fax: 03 980 9827

Jennie Swain Nicholls
03 980 9827

Linwood Community Resource Centre
332 Linwood Avenue
Phone: 981 5594
Fax: 03 981 5589

Joy Power
03 981 5594

Linwood Resource operates on a community development model and provides opportunities for both individuals and groups to identify and initiate projects of interest and to develop programmes to meet local needs. The centre provides a neutral base for community members to participate in activities such as garden groups, women’s support groups and networking meetings as well as providing a welcoming atmosphere where people drop in for a chat and a cuppa. There is a strong commitment to supporting and empowering people to develop their individual and collective skills and abilities.
Literacy Aotearoa - Timaru
17 Grey Road
Phone: 03 688 0894

03 688 0894

Literacy Aotearoa Christchurch
PO Box 7311
Phone: 03 337 5555

Paula or Karen ARAS
03 337 5555

Adult Reading Assistance Scheme (Christchurch) Inc provides the following groups and 1-1 tutoring: Kiwi English Learners Drivers Licence Work Readiness CV All forms of literacy and numeracy
Manuka Cottage - Addington Community House
PO Box 33025
Phone: 03 338 1613
Fax: 03 338 1623

Cherylan Davies

Manuka Cottage is a Community Development Hub in Addington. Manuka Cottage runs a variety of projects including: - Addington OSCAR After School and Holiday Programme, - Addington TimeBank, - Addington Well-being, - Addington Times, and - Manuka Cottage Activites. A range of activities run most weekdays and can include mornings teas, walking groups, art, craft, shared lunches, board games, cards, scrabble, parenting groups for new first-time mums, and care-givers with pre-schoolers groups. For details of what is currently running check the website or phone 338 1613.
MECFS Canterbury
PO Box 10090
Phone: 03 365 5887

Rose Camp
03 365 5887

Judith Dawson

Nicola Stokes
03 365 5887

MECFS Canterbury is a community health and clinical service organisation offering support, advocacy and education for people affected by ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) throughout the Canterbury and West Coast areas. They also provide education about ME/CFS for health and other professionals. Membership and services are free.