Upcoming community education seminar from Dementia Canterbury
Come along to a community education seminar from Dementia Canterbury. These are FREE talks and everyone is welcome!
Contact Dementia Canterbury for more information on their community seminars (03 379 2590 extension 212, 0800 444 776 or donna[at]dementiacanterbury.org.nz).
Bookings are esssential as spaces are limited.
Legal matters
Solicitor Fleur McDonald will talk about how legal matters affect families and friends of people with dementia, and about the roles and responsibilities of Enduring Power of Attorneys and Residential Care Subsidies. There will be time at the end for questions.
Date: Wednesday 2nd April 2025.
Time: 1.30 to 3pm.
Location: BrainTree Wellness Centre (70 Langdons Road, Papanui). Parking available on site.
You can also join via zoom - send an email to receive the link.
Meeting ID: 898 6596 4317.
Passcode: 902 292.
Register online to attend this Dementia Canterbury seminar (Eventbrite).