Make a submission: Have your say for a healthy greater Christchurch
Waka Toa Ora provides a way to share submission opportunities across our networks. Submissions are an effective way for communities to have their voice heard when local and central government are considering proposals which affect where we live, work and play.
Below are a number of consultations which are now open for comment. This list is not exhaustive, as there are many government and other agencies which consult on a regular basis. New items added since last week have been highlighted in bold.
Please contact Te Mana Ora Submissions Coordinators if you become aware of other consultations that would be of interest to Waka Toa Ora signatories (submissions[at] It can then be included in the next bulletin.
- Plan Change 20: Industrial Plan Change - closes Monday 31st March 2025.
- Local Water Done Well - closes Sunday 6th April 2025.
- Bryndwr Road renewal - closes Monday 7th April 2025.
- Establishment of a new commercial centre, anchored by a supermarket in St Albans - closes Wednesday 16th April 2025.
- Hornby intersections: Amyes, Awatea, Springs - closes Sunday 20th April 2025.
- Stormwater, Drainage and Watercourse Bylaw - closes Thursday 17th April 2025.
- Let’s Talk about the Draft Annual Plan 2025/26 - closes Monday 21st April 2025.
- Annual Plan 2025/26 - closes Thursday 3rd April 2025.
- River Gravel Management Strategy review 2025 - closes Monday 7th April 2025.
- Local Water Done Well - closes Monday 21st April 2025.
- Local Water Done Well - closes Monday 21st April 2025.
- HISO 10112:2025 Gambling Harm Intervention Data Standard - closes Wednesday 30th April 2025.
- Comprehensive list of medical devices - closes Monday 31st March 2025.
- Proposal to fund treatments for Stage III and IV melanoma - closes Friday 4th April 2025.
- Hurunui College new enrolment scheme - closes Friday 11th April 2025.
- Prebbleton School new enrolment scheme - closes Friday 11th April 2025.
- Templeton School new enrolment scheme - closes Friday 11th April 2025.
- Draft Patents Amendment Bill - closes Tuesday 1st April 2025.
- Updating New Zealand’s engine fuel specifications to ensure they are fit-for-purpose - closes Friday 4th April 2025.
- Proposed 5th edition of the Government Procurement Rules - closes Tuesday 8th April 2025.
- Improving the system for importing food and fibre plants for planting - closes Monday 31st March 2025.
- Proposed health, safety and wellbeing guidance for transitional facilities - closes Thursday 3rd April 2025.
- Fisheries reform: Proposed amendments to the Fisheries Act - closes Friday 11th April 2025.
- Review of the Biosecurity (Meat and Food Waste for Pigs) Regulations 2005 - closes Sunday 27th April 2025.
- Proposed amendments to the New Zealand Food Notice: Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds - closes Friday 16th May 2025.
- Enhancing value for money through public transport procurement - closes Monday 31st March 2025.
- Vehicle Standards Compliance Amendment 2025 - closes Friday 4th April 2025.
- Regulatory Systems (Occupational Regulation) Amendment Bill - closes Tuesday 1st April 2025.
- Consumer Guarantees (Right to Repair) Amendment Bill - closes Thursday 3rd April 2025.
- Regulatory Systems (Courts) Amendment Bill - closes Thursday 3rd April 2025.
- Regulatory Systems (Tribunals) Amendment Bill - closes Thursday 3rd April 2025.
- Term of Parliament (Enabling 4-year Term) Legislation Amendment Bill - closes Thursday 17th April 2025.
- Referendums Framework Bill - closes Thursday 17th April 2025.
- Land Transport Management (Time of Use Charging) Amendment Bill - closes Sunday 27th April 2025.
Other Government consultations