Death and Dying: A spotlight report into experiences and issues regarding death and dying
Citizen Advice Bureau (CAB) have released a report about Death and Dying: "A CAB spotlight report into experiences and issues regarding death and dying from CAB client enquiries."
Supporting clients with issues relating to death and dying is one of the common areas of enquiry at the CAB. They regularly deal with around 6,000 such enquiries a year. Their analysis of these client enquiries provides insights into some common themes and issues that clients are experiencing.
Come along to an online presentation about the CAB Death and Dying Report, where they will share some of the key points and have the opportunity for questions and discussion.
Date: Wednesday 2nd April 2025.
Start Time: 1pm.
Location: Online via zoom (Meeting ID: 826 8405 7419, Passcode: 699993).
Join the zoom presentation on the CAB Spotlight report on Death and Dying.
Find out more about the Death and Dying Spotlight report from the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Contact Gwyneth Carey-Smith at the CAB National Office if you have any questions about the report (gwyneth.carey-smith[at]