Webinar: Climate change as a challenge to theodicy and other narratives of progress
Theodicy and secular narratives of progress help reconcile us to the injustices of the present by giving us a reason to believe things will work out in the long run. Climate change presents a serious challenge to these assumptions, which often implicitly structure our thinking about politics. There is now a clear mismatch between the temporality of the problem (which is an urgent crisis), and the temporality of politics which requires slower relation-building.
Hear US Associate Professor Benjamin McKean (PhD, MA Princeton, BA Harvard) argue that we can address paralysing climate change anxiety and move beyond our implicit reliance on theodicy through a critique of the temporality of contemporary capitalism.
Date: Wednesday 2nd April 2025.
Time: 5.30 to 7.30pm.
Location: Online.
Cost: FREE.
Find out more about this public lecture on addressing climate change anxiety and narratives of progress, including how to access the livestream.
This is the second lecture in the 2025 De Carle Distinguished Lecture series from the University of Otago.