Take part in a NZ study on mental health, wellbeing, and resilience
Health researchers from Waikato University and the University of Auckland are conducting a resilience study and need participants from Christchurch who are:
- Able to discuss factors that are important to their mental health and wellbeing; and
- Interested in sharing what helps them be resilient (whether it is internal or external resilience).
The researchers are interested in exploring factors that contributed to your resilience whether they come from within or from your whānau or community. This study uses a strength-based approach to measuring mental health.
You can come along to an information evening in Christchurch to learn more about this research and how to you can contribute.
Date: Thursday 5th March 2025.
Time: 9 to 11am.
Location: Boardroom at the Redwood Hotel (340 Main North Road, Redwood).
Find out more about this New Zealand study on resilience, including how to participate.