One minute with Tessa Sturley
We are all in the Waka together as all sectors and groups have a role to play in creating a healthier Greater Christchurch! Meet some of the signatories who are with us in the Waka in our new One Minute With segment.
Email healthychristchurch[at] if you would like to be featured in our One Minute With segment for Waka Toa Ora signatories.
Let's meet Tessa Sturley...
What does your organisation do and what’s your role there?
I lead the Waimakariri District Council Team. They apply a community-led and collaborative approach to addressing the determinants of health and wellbeing and creating a district where people are:
- Safe and healthy.
- Welcome and included.
- Informed and empowered.
- Engaged and connected.
What do you enjoy most about your mahi or working for your organisation?
The people – all of them, from the once homeless man who visits regularly with wee gifts and to tell us how much he enjoyed the weekly Men’s Community Breakfast, to our community partners and elected members, who really do love our community. And of course my team who are a hardworking and professional bunch of really decent people!
What project have you been a part of at your organisation that you’re most proud of?
Only a small project, and a bit outside BAU, but I think the Loburn Fire Recovery Project. Just because there was such an outpouring of love and generosity and it mended relationships. I think some of the victims were more blessed than they have ever been - a bit lifechanging for some of them. Thanks to DIA for their support.
Who inspires you in your mahi?
The late Dame Tariana Turia, who I had the privilege of seeing in person a couple of times, early in my previous role. I always admired her incredible grace, when getting her message across. Mana, with grace and love - a great combination for someone whose bio has her described as a leading activist! Also. the late Ngāi Tūāhuriri Kaumatua Dame Aroha Reriti Crofts. She just exuded joy and had a no-nonsense way of getting things done! A delight to be around.
Share a book, talk, training or podcast that has influenced your professional development
I have had some great professional development over the years, but an admittedly surprising personal choice has to be the Bible - particularly the book of Proverbs, which reminds me (and too often admonishes me!) about the value of not getting above my station, seeking justice, with love; working hard, being thankful, picking my battles, seeking the wisdom of others, avoiding needless controversy and sharing resources. The Bible also reminds me that I can do more with God’s support than I can in my own strength - and that’s been pretty handy at times!
What’s an activity, hobby, or interest that you enjoy outside of work that contributes to your own wellbeing?
Anything in nature: gardening, hiking, swimming, boating. I also play the piano, rather averagely and I have done flowers for a few weddings.
What is your favourite space or place in Waitaha, and why?
How do you choose! Our lifestyle block in North Loburn with ever-changing local mountain views and skyscapes. A variety of light aircraft buzzing across the sky (tiger moths to spitfires). The crisp clear winters and colourful autumns.
Second choice would be the beautiful Port Hills walks, contrasted with stunning sea views!