Intersection Speed Zone to be installed at Dunns Crossing Road
Selwyn District Council media release: 14th October 2024
You’ll soon see work starting on the side of SH1 south of Rolleston as the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi begins installation of an Intersection Speed Zone (ISZ) to slow traffic to 60km/h on SH1 when vehicles approach it from Dunns Crossing and Walkers Road. The ISZ will be operational by 24th October 2024.
An ISZ means when a driver is approaching the highway from Dunns Crossing or Walkers Road electronic signs are activated to reduce the legal highway speed to 60km/h - similar to the Burnham Road and SH1 intersection.
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi consulted the community in November 2023 about the proposal to put in an intersection speed zone until we build a new roundabout at this intersection as part of the Rolleston Access Improvements Project.
Work is underway now to finalise the design for that project which includes a roundabout and subway for pedestrian and cyclists under SH1. Construction of the roundabout and subway is currently programmed to begin toward the end of 2025.
Learn more about the Rolleston Access Improvement Projects on the NZ Transport Angency website.