ACC campaign: If you get hurt, who gets harmed?
Have a hmmm... If you get hurt, who else gets harmed? It could be the people you care about. Whatever you’re doing, think about how safe you are, so that you can keep doing the things you love, with the people you love.
'Have a hmmm' is a constructive wero (challenge) to Aotearoa: Take action to avoid injury and keep yourself, your whānau, friends and community safe and well.
Injury can have life-changing impacts – for those who are injured, their whānau and society. Around 90 percent of injuries are not random events. They're predictable and therefore preventable. Yet ACC sees 5,000 injury claims per day. That's around 2 million claims a year.
ACC are starting by asking New Zealanders to do something easy - Take a moment, 'have a hmmm' and think of others before acting.
Nearly all injuries are preventable – and predictable
If we can see it coming, we can stop it happening.
Sometimes you get injured because you're rushing about, or not concentrating.
Sometimes it's because you didn't use the right tools for the job.
Sometimes you get hurt after you ignore the voice in your head that said: "Hang on a minute, this doesn't feel right."
Take a second to look around: What do you see?
If you get injured, the people in your life might be harmed too. An injury - even a minor one - can affect your whānau, your friends, your workmates. All the people who rely on you.
Think about it:
- Who will take your kids to sports practice if you're injured?
- Who will do the weekly shop or walk the dog?
- Who will take you to the toilet if you can't get there yourself?
Keep doing the things you love. Just ask yourself: If you get hurt, who gets harmed?
Find out more about the Have a hummm campaign, including a quiz on your attitude to risk.