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Students from St Mary's School with their tape art creation.

Students from St Mary's School with their tape art creation.

Students from St Mary's School with their tape art creation.

One of the Tape Art NZ artists makes bubbles out of the St Mary's School contributions.

Community and Public Health staff modelling for the bubble maker.

Members of the visually impaired community creating bubbles in the CPH warehouse

Completed bubbles by the visually impaired ready for adding to the mural.

All ages of the general public making bubbles for the mural.

Parents and children all getting involved in the Tape Art mural.

A colourful bubble created by a young girl and her mum.

A lady standing next to her completed bubble now part of the Tape Art mural.

More bubbles being added to the Tape Art installation.

The All Righties turn up to support the Tape Art installation.

The Tape Art NZ artists taking a break in front of the mural.

The colourful Tape Art bubble installation is growing.

One of the Tape Art NZ artists blows real bubbles to match the mural's bubbles.

The Tape Art installation with the Greening the Rubble project in the foreground.

A girl poses with the Tape Art figure she has modelled for.

The completed Tape Art mural starts to be taken down.

The collected bubbles made by the visually impaired once removed from the mural.