Community education webinar from Dementia Canterbury
UPDATED 13TH SEPTEMBER 2024: Please note change in topic and speaker for this session from what was previously promoted.
Come along to a community education webinar from Dementia Canterbury. These are FREE talks and everyone is welcome!
Contact Dementia Canterbury to for more information on these seminars (03 379 2590 extension 206, 0800 444 776 or email admin[at]
New Dementia and Driving Toolkit
Driving can be a sensitive subject for people living with dementia. It is far more empowering if the decision about driving is made by the person with dementia and their whanau - before it is made for them.
Dr Susan Gee will introduce this comprehensive tool developed by her research team to help navigate this difficult decision-making journey. Susan will discuss the how the tool can be best used by families to help them work through this issue.
Date: Wednesday 18th September 2024.
Time: 7 to 8pm.
Location: Online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 898 6596 4317, Passcode: 902 292).
Cost: FREE.
Find out more about this webinar on dementia and driving.